Người theo dõi

Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 7, 2018

Ghi chú cho tôi

Great bloggers put a lot of time into researching, writing, editing, and planning posts for their blogs.

3. Effective bloggers are really, really, really passionate

You’re passionate about what you blog about, aren’t you?
Not only do you need to feel strongly about whatever it is your writing, but you also need to make your readers feel it too.
They need to feel your fire.

5. Effective bloggers are focused and consistent

They write consistently about their topic of choice, and with a consistent voice and approach. Whether they post three posts a day or two posts a week, their readers know what to expect.
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have that unique voice and point of view which creates reader loyalty.
Effective bloggers really talk to people. They show they care, and engage their readers rather than just going through the motions of networking because it has to be done.

7. Effective bloggers are persistent

Did I ever tell you about the Chinese Bamboo tree? No?
Well, the Chinese Bamboo tree requires nurturing – water, fertile soil, sunshine. In its first year, we see no visible signs of activity. In the second year, again, no growth above the soil. The third, the fourth, still nothing. If there are no results, it is easy to become discourage and give up.
But then, in the fifth year, something happens. Growth. The tree grows 80 feet in just six weeks!
Overnight success is a myth, and top bloggers understand this.
More so, they even count on things being harder than their most pessimistic expectations. Persistence and patience are a top blogger’s best friends.
Successful bloggers don’t give up. They do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes.

What trait do you think is most valuable?

What do you think the most important trait of a top blogger is? It might be one of these seven, or something completely different. Do let me know in the comments section below!

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